Teacher Spotlights for Florida Sew Magical Expo 2022

Welcome to the Sew Magical Expo blog! Here you will find a wide variety of articles talking about our story, merch updates, and more! We love to interact with our consumers, so please leave a comment down below and don’t be afraid to ask any questions.

But, enough about us. We want to focus on our greatest assets- our teachers!

For the next few weeks, our blog will be dedicated to the people who have helped make Sew Magical Expo into what it is today. We know what it’s like to have your own story, passions, and ideas and we want to show how much we appreciate all you have done for us.

Here’s a list of all of our vendors that will be attending the event:

We will be interviewing and posting about all our fabulous teachers who will be attending the Florida Sew Magical Expo 2022. We are so excited to be working with all our teachers and we wanted to thank them again for their continued support. None of this could be possible without you!

So, come out and meet our fabulous teachers at the Florida Sew Magical Expo 2022!

Link down below for more information about our Florida expo.

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